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PCInfo-Web > Recruitment

PCInfo-Web is recruiting

PCInfo-Web growing, we need more than never a motivated and available team in order to help members and above all to provide an interesting an relevant content to the website.
Jobs are various and you won't move mountains (unless you want to), every job includes one specific duty but a someone who's motivated and participating can quick access to others duties, others responsibilites - if this person is interested in others duties, of course -.

In order to save us from without-afterwards applicants, it is now required to join at least a short description of your motivation(s) and knowlodges / skills on the subject.

All applications will be posted on the forums, topics' list is above.

If you want you can also contact directly administrators by goind to thecontact page, which is intended for. You can if you wish, join a C.V. or a short description of your previous experiences (one more time, this is a facultative specification and that can only work in your favour).

We thank you in advance for the interest you may have for our words. Even if you are not interested, don't hesitate to talk about our recruitment to your acquaintances who may be interested.