Poll :

Votre avis sur le site

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  Génial !(1551 votes)
  Bien(191 votes)
  Peut mieux faire(87 votes)
  Vraiment bof(123 votes)
  Avis neutre(74 votes)





1 visiteur(s) en ligne

PCInfo-Web > Propose a news

You can propose here news which will be showed on the site. For being showed, your news must be validated. In order of this, it must be :

    <li>Interesting</li> <li>Quite developed and drafted.</li> <li>It must contains as less as possible spelling and grammar errors (we can correct it but if there are two many errors, we won't spend too much time to correct it ;-) ). </li> <li>It also must not contains racist words and must have a subject which respects the french legislation.</li>

Thanks for your comprehension and your participation.

/!\/!\ Warning ! HTML isn't interpreted. Use BBCODE ! If you don't know how to use it, refer to this page(in french) /!\!/!\

A function : [float=left/right] floating element[/float] has been added (put 'left' ou 'right' but not both !).
This function allows to put an element in floating position of the text which follow it (left ou right of the text), as the illustration above.

All inputs are required.


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